Long Reflecting - Felipe Cubillos.
I want to share with you these reflections of Felipe Cubillos, I believe that words are enough.
“What I learned in the race around the world” (regatta)
Hello everyone,
We are now less than 24 hours to finish the Race Round the World and when you open your computers we might have an advantage close to 150 miles and many of you will think that we already won this stage, end to end. We´d love to be that way, but experience teaches us to wait! Races are won and lost at the goal.
And here is a short summary of what I learned or reaffirmed throughout this time. I do it in first person because I don´t want to involve my friend in everything you´ll read below.
1.- About kids. Definitely not yours, just love them and try to educate by example and if you can transfer them to seek their own dreams, not yours. And do not expect thank you for everything you do; the appreciation will come many years later, maybe when you´ve become a grandfather / mother (then they will know just what it is to be a father / mother). But if in the meantime, they even say to you that they are proud to be your son / daughter, richly feel rewarded for that. And if one of them should leave before you, at least you´ll have the consolation that you said to them many times that you really love them.
2.- About parents, always thank them to brought you into this wonderful word and that they gave you the only chance to live, just that, Live!
3.- About the sea, wind and nature. Admire and protect it, is unique and we have no other. To the sea and wind, never try to beat no less challenge. They have everything to win. If you want to be a sailor, get used to living in permanent crisis.
4.- About limits. They do not exist or are far beyond what you think. How much further? That´s the question, you have to take yourself to the limits and there you´ll find it out.
5.- About talent. It is useless if not accompanied by determination, planning, discipline and perseverance. Talent is ephemeral, determination… Eternal!
6.- About love. Be thankful to Universe if you always wake up every single morning with a kiss and a smile. And do as bees and butterflies, they do not look for the prettiest flower in the garden, but one that has the highest content.
7.- About society. Helps those who are equally or more capable than you, but have not had your same opportunities. They are the most forgotten by the society, because it always helps those who ask and shout, but the ones that I mean, do not seek help, they just need a change. I still dream with a more just and more human society.
8.- About leadership. I miss in today´s world to those leaders that did what they should do and what should be said, without waiting immediate results in the polls. I refer to those that mark a path, not those who follow the masses.
9.- About wealth. Once you have funded your cash flow, try to buy more time than money, more freedom than slavery.
10.- About the anguish and bitterness. When you think something is not possible and the problems overwhelm you, that you cannot go further, take the time to expected to see the stars and waking dawn, there will always discover the sun rises, ALWAYS!
11.- About triumph. If you want to succeed you must be willing to fail a thousand times and willing to lose everything you´ve got. And do not be afraid to lose everything, because if you´ve earned rightly, you´ll recover it abundantly.
12.- About present. Live intensely, is the only moment that really matters. Those who cling to the past died, and those who live dreaming the future, yet unborn.
13.- About success and failure. Acknowledge them as two impostors, but especially learn from failure, own and those of others, there´s too much knowledge not generally used.
14.- About friends. Choose those who are with you when you´re in ground, because when you get the glory, you´ll be overrun.
15.- About team. Encourage them through the tough time and never allow one for failing to leave you, that´s the most important.
16.- About your Country. Love the land that gave you birth, work to make your country a better place for everyone, show and be proud of your flag, whenever it is (doesn´t matter if we are good or bad for soccer).
17.- About effort. Never surrender, don´t believe the story that when something is costing a lot is because it should not work, is simply that the Universe is testing you on whether or not you are worthy of success.
18.- About fear. Not fear, it´s a great teammate, but you don´t immobilize and not fear to play the fool or ridiculous; history teaches us that great discoveries are tremendous lessons and product of those moments.
19.- About God and Heaven. I think if we act in doing good, can be on the waiting list if heaven exists and if not, we will have our own Heaven on this Earth. And I did not found him only in the South Sea, in the clouds, storms, the waves, at the end or the beginning of the race. Was always with us, inside, deeply inside us.
20.- And when in doubt of what to do, ask yourself what is your Cape Horn, arm yourself with a small backpack to carry only enough to survive and begin to walk. And be sure to look at the sky, there discover the albatross that will teach you to fly off with effort and released. And you´ll realize you don´t need to fly in a flock.
21.- Never, never give up to your dreams! Pursue them passionately and if not succeed, no matter, that road that you made have been worth living and I hope your pursue the dream is the impossible dream.
22.- If you´re fortunate to one day compete with rivals the size we had to face in this regatta, honor them, admire them, but deliver all you have to beat them fair and square, they deserve it.
23.- If on the day of my death are given the choice to be reborn, I choose to be an Albatross to fly the South Sea and look at the intrepid sailors risking their lives and leave everything in search of their dreams, seeking their impossible dream.
24.- And never take too seriously a sailor who is finishing a race around the world. Only he will know to sail a little more, nothing more!
Felipe Cubillos