Monday, January 26, 2009

CD DVD Recycling

Each year, billions of compact discs (CDs, CDr’s and DVDs) are produced, while millions of them are reaching our landfills and incinerators. Why are they not getting recycled? Because most people don’t know what to do with them! Please play your part in helping to save our environment by starting to recycle your old and unwanted discs today. It’s simple to set up your own compact disc recycling program in your home or office.

A Compact Disc is made from a 1.2 mm thick disc of almost pure polycarbonate plastic and weighs approximately 16 grams. The physical components are defined as--moving from the centre outwards--centre hole, first transition area, clamping area, second transition area, information area, rim. These are also identified as spindle hole, clamping ring, stacking ring, mirror band, data area, rim.

A thin layer of aluminium or, more rarely, gold is applied to the surface to make it reflective, and is protected by a film of lacquer. The lacquer is normally spin coated directly on top of the reflective layer. On top of that surface, the label print is applied. Common printing methods for CDs are screen-printing and offset printing.

The Policarbonate of the CD/DVD discs are an optical degree Policarbonate (arround 2.000 U$/Ton), so recycling this kind of polymer could be a great business. Also the recuperation of the aluminium, gold and silver could be interesting for this recycling industry.

The YouTube video show a simple process which can be made at home (taking the cautions of using strong acids). The video do not share the "magic liquid" but I made at home several tests and that liquid is Nitric Acid concentrated (HNO3).

Diagram of CD layers.

A. A polycarbonate disc layer has the data encoded by using bumps.

B. A reflective layer reflects the laser back.

C. A lacquer layer is used to prevent oxidation.

D. Artwork is screen printed on the top of the disc.

E. A laser beam reads the polycarbonate disc, is reflected back, and read by the player.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

e-volve !

I thought people would simply use the service to buy and sell things, but what they really enjoyed was meeting other people. (Pierre Omidyar, Founder, eBay).

Searching … Searching… reads the message at the bottom of my screen. It seems emblematic of the state of the world. Everywhere I turn, I find people who want to know what the internet really means for their future and what they must do to succeed.

Internet is a revolutionary technology that cannot be ignored or avoided. New economic and organizational forces stemming from the rise of the Internet affect more than just those people and companies whose work centers around the World Wide Web. These forces have an impact on workplaces of all kinds, reaching non-computer users as well as avid techies. The Internet has the potential to transform every economic and social institution, from business to education to health care to government.

“ A must-read for all who care about the future”

People and organizations at every stage of internet sophistication face the same burning question: How should they change in order to succeed in a digital world?

Renowned thinker and business trailblazer Rosabeth Moss Kanter says answers will be found not in cyberspace but on the ground, where real people connect, collaborate, and form thriving human communities. In this eye-opening book, Kanter explores what she calls “e-culture” – a new wat of living and working that will transform every aspect of today´s organizations.

Kanter argues that networks of relationships, not just new technologies, permit speed and seamlessness, encourage creativity and collaboration, and release energy and brainpower – the “soul” of e-business. And every organization – from dotcoms to dotcom-enablers (technology and service providers) to wannadots (traditional companies struggling to embrace the Web) – must lead to build and foster them.

Based on a landmark project with a rare on-site access, over 300 interviews, and 785 company global survey, Evolve! Provides a hands on blueprint for adopting the core principles of e-cultrue: treat strategy as improvisational theater; nurture networks of partners; reconstruct organizations as online and offline “communities”; and attract and retain top talent.

With colorful and memorable stories, Kanter illuminates vast differences between older, more conservative companies and aggressive, born-digital dotcoms. She takes us deep inside evolving organizations – including IBM, eBay, Reuters, Sun Microsystems, Razorfish, Abuzz,, Williams-Sonoma, and pioneering public schools – to provide best practices from e-culture pacesetters and cautionary lessons from internet laggards. Defining the skills leaders need to master change, she reveals how dotcoms and dotcomenablers can grow fast while crafting a great culture, and how wannadots can benefit by becoming Web-enabled.

For anyone who wants to realize the potential and avoid the pitfalls od the Internet Age, this pathbreaking book identifies and analyzes the emergence of e-culture – and provide a lively, rool-up-your-sleeves guide to profiting from tomorrow.

More Words for Motivation

"The truth is, whether you know it or not, your thoughts are responsible for whatever place or situation you are in right now."

"Any self-improvement program or journey of personal development starts with your thoughts. Master your thoughts first. Then you can master your environment and circumstances."

"Dreamers chart their own course and destiny. Dreamers are always striving to be the person they were meant to be and are not afraid to be different."

"I am here to tell you that there is another way. It’s not for everyone. It’s not the only way. It’s not the easier way. Actually, it is more likely to be the harder way. But I guarantee you it is the best way. It is simply this – follow your dreams."

"We cannot exhaust the creative power of our minds."

"If your mind can accept that something is achievable, it will find a way to attain that thing."

"Your potential as a human being…is unlimited. You have within you the ability to become and to achieve anything you want."

"Your vision is limited only by you. The problem is that you don’t know what you should be. It’s not your fault, really: your education has messed you up. It has taken your boundless potential and shrunk it and shaped it into a narrow title."

"If something is widely accepted and everyone is doing it, it is probably better for you as a dreamer not to do it."

"It is your responsibility to get the correct knowledge so you can have the correct road map of life. Ignorance is no defense. Ignorance will kill you."

"The truth is that while you are not totally responsible for what does and doesn’t happen to you, you are responsible for how you respond to what happens to you."

"There is a big difference between wishing and being a dreamer. Dreamers design their ideal life and work to achieve it everyday. They don’t believe in chance or luck. Wishers wait on a genii to grant their three wishes all their lives. The problem is, if the genii were to ever show up they still wouldn’t know what to wish for!"

"It may seem hard to take full responsibility for your life, but ultimately you will find it is the single most empowering decision you will ever make."

"There is a reason why a lot of people don’t believe in positive thinking and that kind of thing. It is simply that they do not want to face the fact that their lives are totally in their own hands and they are afraid of the immense potential and results if they do so."

"The amount of effort it takes to fail is the same amount of effort it takes to succeed as far as the mind is concerned. It is your responsibility to provide it with the right seeds of thought."

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I-Nvention 1 Month of life.

Dear friends, followers and visitors. Today (19th of January) we have 1 month of life, and in this occasion we want to be thankful to you.

We have 371 page views, 247 visitors and more than 35 countries readers.

Here we present you our statistics, and very proud of that.

Thanks for all of you to make this site, an special and interesting place to share our thoughts and ideas to help entrepreneurs and business people (also to present our I-Nventions and other stuff).

The Power and the Glory

The article was published on The Economist on June 19th 2008

The next technology boom may well be based on alternative energy, says Geoffrey Carr . But which sort to back?

EVERYONE loves a booming market, and most booms happen on the back of technological change. The world's venture capitalists, having fed on the computing boom of the 1980s, the internet boom of the 1990s and the biotech and nanotech boomlets of the early 2000s, are now looking around for the next one. They think they have found it: energy.

Many past booms have been energy-fed: coal-fired steam power, oil-fired internal-combustion engines, the rise of electricity, even the mass tourism of the jet era. But the past few decades have been quiet on that front. Coal has been cheap. Natural gas has been cheap. The 1970s aside, oil has been cheap. The one real novelty, nuclear power, went spectacularly off the rails. The pressure to innovate has been minimal.

In the space of a couple of years, all that has changed. Oil is no longer cheap; indeed, it has never been more expensive. Moreover, there is growing concern that the supply of oil may soon peak as consumption continues to grow, known supplies run out and new reserves become harder to find.

The idea of growing what you put in the tank of your car, rather than sucking it out of a hole in the ground, no longer looks like economic madness. Nor does the idea of throwing away the tank and plugging your car into an electric socket instead. Much of the world's oil is in the hands of governments who have little sympathy with the rich West. When a former head of America's Central Intelligence Agency allies himself with tree-hugging greens that his outfit would once have suspected of subversion, you know something is up. Yet that is one tack James Woolsey is trying in order to reduce his country's dependence on imported oil.

The price of natural gas, too, has risen in sympathy with oil. That is putting up the cost of electricity. Wind- and solar-powered alternatives no longer look so costly by comparison. It is true that coal remains cheap, and is the favoured fuel for power stations in industrialising Asia. But the rich world sees things differently. In theory, there is a long queue of coal-fired power stations waiting to be built in America. But few have been completed in the past 15 years and many in that queue have been put on hold or withdrawn, for two reasons. First, Americans have become intolerant of large, polluting industrial plants on their doorsteps. Second, American power companies are fearful that they will soon have to pay for one particular pollutant, carbon dioxide, as is starting to happen in other parts of the rich world. Having invested heavily in gas-fired stations, only to find themselves locked into an increasingly expensive fuel, they do not want to make another mistake.

That has opened up a capacity gap and an opportunity for wind and sunlight. The future price of these resources--zero--is known. That certainty has economic value as a hedge, even if the capital cost of wind and solar power stations is, at the moment, higher than that of coal-fired ones.

The reasons for the boom, then, are tangled, and the way they are perceived may change. Global warming, a long-range phenomenon, may not be uppermost in people's minds during an economic downturn. High fuel prices may fall as new sources of supply are exploited to fill rising
demand from Asia. Security of supply may improve if hostile governments are replaced by friendly ones and sources become more diversified. But none of the reasons is likely to go away entirely.

Global warming certainly will not. "Peak oil", if oil means the traditional sort that comes cheaply out of holes in the ground, probably will arrive soon. There is oil aplenty of other sorts (tar sands, liquefied coal and so on), so the stuff is unlikely to run out for a long time yet. But it will get more expensive to produce, putting a floor on the price that is way above today's. And political risk will
always be there--particularly for oil, which is so often associated with bad government for the simple reason that its very presence causes bad government in states that do not have strong institutions to curb their politicians.


The market for energy is huge. At present, the world's population consumes about 15 terawatts of power. (A terawatt is 1,000 gigawatts, and a gigawatt is the capacity of the largest sort of coal-fired power station.) That translates into a business worth $6 trillion a year--about a tenth of the world's economic output--according to John Doerr, a venture capitalist who is heavily involved in the industry.

And by 2050, power consumption is likely to have risen to 30 terawatts. Scale is one of the important differences between the coming energy boom, if it materialises, and its recent predecessors--particularly those that relied on information technology, a market measured in mere hundreds of billions. Another difference is that new information technologies tend to be disruptive, forcing the replacement of existing equipment, whereas, say, building wind farms does not force the closure of coal-fired power stations.

For both of these reasons, any transition from an economy based on fossil fuels to one based on renewable, alternative, green energy--call it what you will--is likely to be slow, as similar changes have been in the past. On the other hand, the scale of the market provides opportunities for alternatives to prove themselves at the margin and then move into the mainstream, as is happening with wind power at the moment. And some energy technologies do have the potential
to be disruptive. Plug-in cars, for example, could be fuelled with electricity at a price equivalent to 25 cents a litre of petrol. That could shake up the oil, carmaking and electricity industries all in one go.

The innovation lull of the past few decades also provides opportunities for technological leapfrogging. Indeed, it may be that the field of energy gives the not-quite-booms in biotechnology and nanotechnology the industrial applications they need to grow really big, and that the three aspiring booms will thus merge into one.

The possibility of thus recapturing the good times of their youth has brought many well-known members of the "technorati" out of their homes in places like Woodside, California. Energy has become supercool. Elon Musk, who co-founded PayPal, has developed a battery-powered sports
car. Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the founders of Google, have started an outfit called that is searching for a way to make renewable energy truly cheaper than coal (or RE<C, as they describe it to their fellow geeks).

Vinod Khosla, one of the founders of Sun Microsystems, is turning his considerable skills as a venture capitalist towards renewable energy, as are Robert Metcalfe, who invented the ethernet system used to connect computers together in local networks, and Mr Doerr, who works at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, one of Silicon Valley's best-known venture-capital firms. Sir Richard Branson, too, is getting in on the act with his Virgin Green Fund.

This renewed interest in energy is bringing forth a raft of ideas, some bright, some batty, that is indeed reminiscent of the dotcom boom. As happened in that boom, most of these ideas will come to naught. But there could just be a PayPal or a Google or a Sun among them. More traditional companies are also taking an interest. General Electric (GE), a large American engineering firm, already has a thriving wind-turbine business and is gearing up its solar-energy business. The energy researchers at its laboratories in Schenectady, New York, enjoy much of the intellectual freedom associated with start-up firms, combined with a secure supply of money. Meanwhile, BP and Shell, two of the world's biggest oil companies, are sponsoring both academic researchers and new, small firms with bright ideas, as is DuPont, one of the biggest chemical companies. Not
everyone has joined in. Exxon Mobil, the world's largest oil company not in government hands, is conspicuously absent. But in many boardrooms renewables are no longer seen as just a way of keeping environmentalists off companies' backs.

Some people complain that many existing forms of renewable energy rely on subsidies or other forms of special treatment for their viability. On the surface, that is true. Look beneath, though, and the whole energy sector is riddled with subsidies, both explicit and hidden, and costs that are not properly accounted for. Drawing on the work of people like Boyden Gray, a former White House counsel, Mr Woolsey estimates that American oil companies receive preferential treatment from their government worth more than $250 billion a year. And the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a United Nations-appointed group of scientific experts, reckons that fossil fuels should carry a tax of $20-50 for every tonne of carbon dioxide they generate in order to pay for the environmental effects of burning them (hence the fears of the power-generators).

So the subsidies and mandates offered to renewable sources of power such as wind turbines often just level the playing field. It is true that some subsidies amount to unwarranted market-rigging: examples include those handed by cloudy Germany to its solar-power industry and by America to its maize-based ethanol farmers when Brazilian sugar-based ethanol is far cheaper. Others, though, such as a requirement that a certain proportion of electricity be derived from
non-fossil-fuel sources, make no attempt to pick particular technological winners. They merely act to stimulate innovation by guaranteeing a market to things that actually work.

If the world were rational, all of these measures would be swept away and replaced by a proper tax on carbon--as is starting to happen in Europe, where the price arrived at by the cap-and-trade system being introduced is close to the IPCC's recommendation. If that occurred,
wind-based electricity would already be competitive with fossil fuels and others would be coming close. Failing that, special treatment for alternatives is probably the least bad option--though such measures need to be crafted in ways that favour neither incumbents nor particular ways of doing things, and need to be withdrawn when they are no longer necessary.


That, at least, is the view from the rich world. But poorer, rapidly developing countries are also taking more of an interest in renewable energy sources, despite assertions to the contrary by some Western politicians and businessmen. It is true that China is building coal-fired power stations at a blazing rate. But it also has a large wind-generation capacity, which is expected to grow by two-thirds this year, and is the world's second-largest manufacturer of solar panels--not to mention having the largest number of solar-heated rooftop hot-water systems in its buildings.

Brazil, meanwhile, has the world's second-largest (just behind America) and most economically honest biofuel industry, which already provides 40% of the fuel consumed by its cars and should soon supply 15% of its electricity, too (through the burning of sugarcane waste). South Africa
is leading the effort to develop a new class of safe and simple nuclear reactor--not renewable energy in the strict sense, but carbon-free and thus increasingly welcome. These countries, and others like them, are prepared to look beyond fossil fuels. They will get their energy where
they can. So if renewables and other alternatives can compete on cost, the poor and the rich world alike will adopt them.

That, however, requires innovation. Such innovation is most likely to come out of the laboratories of rich countries. At a recent debate at Columbia University, which THE ECONOMIST helped to organise, Mr Khosla defended the proposition, "The United States will solve the climate-change problem". The Californian venture capitalist argued that if cheaper alternatives to fossil fuels are developed, simple economics will ensure their adoption throughout the world. He also insisted that the innovation which will create those alternatives will come almost entirely out of America.

As it happens, he lost. But that does not mean he is wrong. There are lots of terawatts to play for and lots of money to be made. And if the planet happens to be saved on the way, that is all to the good.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The 18.5 Master Principles for Success


The status of failure is up to you.

The workday starts the night before.

1.- Belive you can: mental posture for success.

2.- Create the Environment.

3.- Have the right associations: Stay away from poison people.

4.- Explore yourself to what´s new: Learn Every day.

5.- Be ready for the day: Be ready every day.

6.- Become valuable.

7.- Have the answers your prospects and constumers needs.

8.- Recognize opportunity: Opportunities are elusive.

9.- Take advance of opportunity: Opportunities are elusive.

10.- Take responsabilities: of actions and decisions.

11.- Take Action: JUST DO IT!

12.- Make Mistakes: The best teacher is FAILURE.

13.- Willing to risk: THIS IS THE MOST CRUCIAL FACTOR.

14.- Keep your eyes on the prize.

15.- Balance yourself: Physical, Emotional, Spiritual and Health.

16.- Invest: DO NOT SPEND.

17.- Stick at it until you win.

18.- Develop and mantain positive attitude.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Most difficult for the companies it is to last in the time

Two dangers watch to the company:

1. - To lack identity and Enchantment

2. - To stagnate.

First danger:

The identity corresponds to associate a business, products and services to certain codes or enterprise values. This identity defines the philosophy of the business, the logic of the business, the style, the codes and their coherence. This means to distinguish who purchase my product. Beyond any thing this means to commit itself to make feel emotions to certain group of people. We do not forget that we are human beings! We are mammals that when we are born we often took chest until the year from life! Our nature is animal: We own feelings. Against this: What feelings cause their business? Want that the people feel accepted, who the people feel unique, whom the people feel included? This does not mean that you must study psychology or something thus, only thinks about same you, what pleases to them, how it likes they treat that it, etc. Thinks that its business gives something and that has to do with which somebody values, if it valued it to nobody, its business would not exist?

The identity of a business corresponds to how it is perceived. All the human beings we own perception; the perception is an impression of the things that surround to us. According to our experiences, motivations and tastes all we felt and we appreciated of certain way. In order to achieve the success of his company you must aim to give in the taste the group of people who buy their products and/or services.

At the moment, to enchant and to seduce the people are, more and more, a channeled business more. Each person has clearer tastes, preferences and yearnings. While its business more is oriented to enchant satisfying a certain taste, more identity and success will have.

Each company is able to encounter again its freedom to maneuver and to accede to the longed for position of leader. Instead of to follow the traditional norms: it analyzes clients, it thinks that they are young and It creates new rules please that them and it makes them happy!

The new norms must directly be proportional to the identity of their clients. When creating or re-inventing the company first that you must think it is in those people who buy their products.

Perhaps you never made east analysis previously, but the people whom they buy what you sell, independently that have planned you it thus, are your market. These people found something attractive or useful in your business and behind that it have, doubtlessly, a concept.

The enchantment the enterprise philosophy, the sensation is come off that is desired to give, which is desired to cause. Clearly what it is desired to make feel defines in the measurement that I meet conform my market. This is transformed in the following phrase: What evaluates the company is what they evaluate its clients and vice versa.

You beyond selling your product, sell a taste, an emotion, a sensation, a projection, a yearning, a fulfilled dream. Its business must enchant to a group of people of equal yearnings and preferences at the time of buying a product or service.

Second danger: To stagnate.

Most sensible it is to assume than a business evolves continuously. An incessant movement in its business exists that entails a permanent evolution and therefore a continuous growth. A company is similar to a son, the son is born and begins to grow immediately, is a natural process and irremediable, it does not have reverse gear. The unique thing that is to do is to let grow it.

The parents must like mission orient it, to guide it, perhaps but one of the most important things that a father learns with the son is that this one learns and grows every day, against this most honest it is to adapt to this idea and to help it in his normal process like being human. Perhaps many parents would want to remain in the stage " more adorable" that it is when they are born, that is where has major control exceeds they, the mother them load takes and them for all sides, but this is only a time: you are not owner of your son, your son is owner of itself. Taken to the enterprise plane: you are not owner of your company, this one belongs to a group of people whom it buys, market which you perhaps chose but you go that is to say if it will continue being the same or no, you only must guide his business, to orient it according to which the consumer requires. The concepts keys are indifference and observation. The word indifference is a little deceptive, means indifference and coldness, nevertheless, How I can cause that something works if I let myself take only by the passions? Indifference is a way to arrive at the objectivity; If you are not objective, can throw to lose any company. One is due to know clearly that its business is to the service of the people, the people command, they decide what they want and you must start your business to the service of the people.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Inventory Stock Control

The level of basic inventory of your business would have to provide an assortment with products and sufficiently great being to cover the normal sales with the company. If these beginning, you will not have present sales or figures necessary to anticipate the necessary product stock, therefore you must project the annual sales based in your plan of businesses.

When you consider the basic stock, you must have in mind the factor of time of retardation that exists between the order and that the products arrive at your warehouse. For example, if the time of delivery of your supplier is of 4 weeks and the product in particular is sold at the rate of 10 weekly units, then you must realize an order before the inventory level lowers of 40 units. If you do not rearrange and you realize that order at the time of which you need stock products, you will be waiting for 4 weeks without the product.

The levels of insufficient inventory mean losses in sales and increase of costs by the required time to remake the order. Operating without raw materials or parts that are vitally important for your productive process it also means operational costs. Your employees will begin to make money to only be seated, because there is no sufficient work to do; when the inventory returns to raise or arrives the order, they will be making more money to work in extra time by reasons for the loss of production by inventory problems. In some situations, you could even get to pay more by those products in cases of inventory emergency.

A form to protect you of being out of stock is creating a safety margin to emit an order. In order to be certainly safety margin it is the adapted one, it tries to think about all the external factors that they can contribute to the delays, like the suppliers that tend to delay themselves or products that are sent from other countries. Once you already have been working by a time, you will have better feeling in the times of delivery and will be able easily to consider your levels of security inventory.

Avoiding the Excess of Inventory.

To avoid the excess of inventory is especially important for the companies with highly cyclical products, such as the clothes, accessories for the home, vacations or gifts. These products have a small time of life and low rotation at the moment at which they are not in fashion. The entrepreneurs who sell equipment without cyclical or seasonal problems, like equipment of plumbing, articles of office or car parts, have the more freedom because it is not so easy that their products are obsolete.

It does not matter of which type is your business, but always the excess of inventory is something that is to avoid. This hill extra money, due to the loans of money to buy an excess of inventory or not to destine those resources for other effects, additionally can have an increase in the taxes due to the inventory without even selling or an increase in the insurance. In fact, a consultant of merchandize esteem that the cost of maintaining products in inventory increases between 20 to a 30% with respect to the original cost of the investment. Buying an excess of inventory also reduces your liquidity, something that we must avoid.

When you are with an excess of inventory, the natural reaction will be probably to reduce the price and to sell it quickly. Obvious this solves the problem of products stock, but also it reduces your return of the investment. All financial projections assume that you will receive the complete price by all those goods. If you reduce the prices in 15 to 25% not only these reducing your inventory, if that also you are losing money that you had considered in your plan of businesses.

Other beginning entrepreneurs can react to the excess of inventory being cautious in the next order of purchase. Nevertheless this increases your risks of having a lack of inventory and of entering to the circle of costs by errors. In order to avoid accumulation an excess of inventory, it establishes these a realistic margin and it only buys what safe that you can sell.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The business way to innovate.

At the moment, it is much spoken on the creative factor, innovation in the companies and the necessary participation of creative disciplines as the design and the publicity. Most probable it is that this is no longer news for you.

At the moment, companies aside from producing must review how to produce. We are in the era of the qualities. No longer it is the news nor newness, to produce, to sell, to buy, but, how I produce, how selvage, how I buy. What is the new form, the new way to accede to the things. The quality is associated to a characteristic, to a way. Each person has a particular way to live the life, a different perception, to the way of purchase and sale she is related closely to why I buy certain thing or no.

The important thing is to determine the following thing: That something is of certain way has to do whereupon somebody imagined that it could thus be. This sounds very logical. But the truth is that, at present, often it is ignored this idea. The creativity lays the way to us to solve problems imagining new solutions. With this, I believe that it is very important to emphasize that there is no a stereotype of creative person, that is to say, it does not have anything to do the external appearance. There are people who are very formal in their daily life, but which they are considered very "creative" by the activities that they develop or their particular way to see the things. Although there are certain degrees of creativity in the people this characteristic is as a small internal flame who all we have. This small inner fire is developed and it becomes strong according to the amount of experiences that we have, mixes our feelings, our imagination and ours to think. As our brain has more experiences more capacity we must to redefine certain elements associated to our life and our businesses. In this way, the creativity becomes a style that processes our experiences of certain way. To be creative consists of redefining, adapting and to transform continuous to determine improvements.

In this way our brain is enabled to generate new ideas, to contribute new utilities, to solve problems, to enrich previous ideas and to contribute to the progress.

It would be advisable to begin to clarify what is understood by innovation. Generally it considers "innovation" consists of putting a new idea in march. Basically to innovate is to implement a new idea, to take it to the practitioner. The innovation becomes this when an idea is laid down and it is placed in the daily thing.

Innovation is synonymous of change. The opposite of the innovation is the routine.

The difference between innovating and to be creative is the possibility of turning visions, dreams, ideas, utopias, myths and fantasies in fact. The creative being remains in the plane of the ideas; however, the innovator turns in fact his changes, his new dreams and ideals.

What wishes a company? to be developed, to take the opportunities, to anticipate, to innovate diminishing the risks, of defining itself, in other words, to prevail. The company has a permanent movement. On the other hand, the world of the companies is totally diverse, some are more complex than others following their type of market and a product range; nevertheless, the company in generic form, always has the same yearnings: to have identity, to innovate, to be diversified and to be different themselves.

No longer is to sell products, is to satisfy the demands, to forget the logic the product to dedicate itself to those of the people.

An economy professor once said: " The clients are wining". The client is a gain. A person who buys her products and their services is the best utility than you can hoard.

In fact, to produce is not what causes the boredom of the people who complain the lack of variety in products, the problem is TO REPRODUCE, to exhaust this resource to the maximum: The problem is to imitate, to copy, to insist, for example, in a rectangular refrigerator. The idea to always produce must go accompanied to generate something different.

If the companies want to sell they must surprise the people. Not purchase in the same way that is breathed, is not an automatic function. TO BUY IS TO CHOOSE, TO SELL IS TO CAPTIVATE!

The act to always consume has been watched like a superficial and rational act what corresponds to a real prejudice. When you buy something you look for something identifies that it, therefore the industralist or the one that sells must of knowing how to enchant and to be relaxing, and nothing else it attracts that the different thing. The time of the stereotypes corresponds to the past century? nowadays the different thing is valued to the double.

From this point of view, as you produce? What characterizes their production? If You do not produce, you do not have a factory and only sells products: What thing Has reproduced? It is a good imitator? It has served to him to copy? I invite to look for it new ways to arrive at its client. It remembers that all we can get to innovate in our companies, analyzing from the distribution way to new associated services its products.

The society and the culture, are all the answers there. History says about the existence of good objects conceived by social causes. The teflon, for example created for a coating in the space technology, found application in kitchen articles, like covering for frying pans and pots that it prevented that the food stuck at it. The technology that facilitated the development of Internet, was created like answer to the necessity to design a network of computers able to resist bombings. Other many products must their origins to the needs during the Second War, like the Zippo lighter. The man is to the service of the man and all the answers to satisfy it are in him.

Analyze yourself, what things enjoy, what things value, which are their fun. Many of the replaced ones are in the honesty and the good sense of our self. What things can give to their clients so that these are happier? Think it.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Beauty of Maths

There is a lot of people arround the world that doesn´t like or see the beauty of maths. It could be because their are "abstracts" and not easy to feel, but with a little of imagination we can see the beauty of them.

Take a look to this:

1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111

9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888

Brilliant, do you think?

Take a look to this simetry:

1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111=12345678987654321

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

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Systems required by all the businesses for the optimal efficiency.

The following section includes a list of the typical systems that the successful businesses must have. In some cases the required system can be defined of way different from the way in which it appears in the list, but anyway is necessary for the operations of the business. For example “development systems of the product” could be “procedure to provide services” in an organization dedicated to the services. Although the specific details can differ, the basic elements are the same. Both require that the business develops the product (or service) that in last instance will be offered to the consumers.

In the case of franchise exemptions or the organizations of market in network, many of those systems are provided of automatic way. By the cost of the franchise or membership of the organization of trade in network, they will provide a manual of operations that describes the systems provided for its business. That causes that the type of “pre-elaborated” businesses is so attractive for much people.

If you wish to create your own business, reviews the list of systems. Although already it is carrying out many of these functions, is possible that it has not defined them as separated systems. While it can more formalize his operations, more efficient it will become his business.

Daily operations in the office system:

  • To answer the telephone and the system of line of long gratuitous distance.
  • To receive and open the mail.
  • To buy and to maintain articles and equipment of office.
  • To send faxes and electronic mails.
  • To take care of the needs of shipment and the reception of packages.
  • To create endorsements and to file the information.

Development of products systems:

  • Product development and its legal protection.
  • Development of the packing and additional material (for example catalogs)
  • Development of the process and method of manufacture.
  • Development of the process of obtaining of manufacture costs.

Manufacture and inventory system:

  • To select to the suppliers.
  • To determine the guarantees offered by the product or service.
  • To fix the price of the product or service.
  • To create the process of new orders for inventory production.
  • Reception and storage of the product like inventory.
  • I collate of physical inventory and registry of accounting.

Processing orders system:

  • Rise and registry of the orders by mail, fax, telephone or Internet.
  • Attention and equipment of the orders.
  • Shipment of the orders.

Invoicing and accounts to receive system:

  • Invoicing to the clients by the orders.
  • Reception of the payments by the orders and accreditation to the clients by the payment (or in cash, check, credit card)
  • Beginning of the process of collection for the pending accounts to receive.

Clients service system:

  • Procedure of return for reception in inventory and reimbursement to clients.
  • Answer to the complaints of the client.
  • Defective product Replacement or fulfillment of another service of guarantee.

Accounts to pay system:

  • Procedures of purchase and required approvals.
  • Process of payment by provisions and inventory.
  • “Small Box”, or money for smaller payments.

Marketing research system:

  • Creation of a general plan of marketing research.
  • Design and production of promotional materials.
  • Development of prototypes.
  • Creation of a publicity plan.
  • Creation of a plan of public relations.
  • Creation of a plan of direct mail.
  • Development and maintenance of a data base.
  • Development and maintenance of a site in Internet.
  • Analysis and pursuit of statistics of sales.

Human resources system:

  • Procedures of hiring and agreements with the employees.
  • Qualification of the employees.
  • Process of list and plans of benefits.

General accounting system:

  • Administration of the process of accounting with daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual information.
  • Administration of cash that assures that the bottoms will be available for the case in that it is necessary to borrow in the future.
  • Elaboration of the budget and prognosis.
  • Consignment of taxes on list and retention of payments.

General corporative systems:

  • Rough draft Negotiation, creation and contract execution.
  • Development and protection of the intellectual property.
  • Administration of the needs and cover of insurances.
  • Consignment and payment of federal, state taxes and of other jurisdictions.
  • Administration and storage of registries.
  • Handling of relations with investors and shareholders.
  • Obtaining of the legal security.
  • Planning and administration of the growth.

Management systems of physical space:

  • Conservation and electrical and telephone design of systems.
  • Planning of permissions.
  • Granting of licenses.
  • To guarantee the physical security.

It is possible that it wishes to register his operations in a manual of policies and procedures. This manual can become a invaluable reference for its equipment. When creating the manual, will find forms to cause that their operations are more efficient and to improve its yield. You also will have taken a step to be an owner of a successful business more.