At the moment, companies aside from producing must review how to produce. We are in the era of the qualities. No longer it is the news nor newness, to produce, to sell, to buy, but, how I produce, how selvage, how I buy. What is the new form, the new way to accede to the things. The quality is associated to a characteristic, to a way. Each person has a particular way to live the life, a different perception, to the way of purchase and sale she is related closely to why I buy certain thing or no.
The important thing is to determine the following thing: That something is of certain way has to do whereupon somebody imagined that it could thus be. This sounds very logical. But the truth is that, at present, often it is ignored this idea. The creativity lays the way to us to solve problems imagining new solutions. With this, I believe that it is very important to emphasize that there is no a stereotype of creative person, that is to say, it does not have anything to do the external appearance. There are people who are very formal in their daily life, but which they are considered very "creative" by the activities that they develop or their particular way to see the things. Although there are certain degrees of creativity in the people this characteristic is as a small internal flame who all we have. This small inner fire is developed and it becomes strong according to the amount of experiences that we have, mixes our feelings, our imagination and ours to think. As our brain has more experiences more capacity we must to redefine certain elements associated to our life and our businesses. In this way, the creativity becomes a style that processes our experiences of certain way. To be creative consists of redefining, adapting and to transform continuous to determine improvements.
In this way our brain is enabled to generate new ideas, to contribute new utilities, to solve problems, to enrich previous ideas and to contribute to the progress.
It would be advisable to begin to clarify what is understood by innovation. Generally it considers "innovation" consists of putting a new idea in march. Basically to innovate is to implement a new idea, to take it to the practitioner. The innovation becomes this when an idea is laid down and it is placed in the daily thing.
Innovation is synonymous of change. The opposite of the innovation is the routine.
The difference between innovating and to be creative is the possibility of turning visions, dreams, ideas, utopias, myths and fantasies in fact. The creative being remains in the plane of the ideas; however, the innovator turns in fact his changes, his new dreams and ideals.
What wishes a company? to be developed, to take the opportunities, to anticipate, to innovate diminishing the risks, of defining itself, in other words, to prevail. The company has a permanent movement. On the other hand, the world of the companies is totally diverse, some are more complex than others following their type of market and a product range; nevertheless, the company in generic form, always has the same yearnings: to have identity, to innovate, to be diversified and to be different themselves.
No longer is to sell products, is to satisfy the demands, to forget the logic the product to dedicate itself to those of the people.
An economy professor once said: " The clients are wining". The client is a gain. A person who buys her products and their services is the best utility than you can hoard.
In fact, to produce is not what causes the boredom of the people who complain the lack of variety in products, the problem is TO REPRODUCE, to exhaust this resource to the maximum: The problem is to imitate, to copy, to insist, for example, in a rectangular refrigerator. The idea to always produce must go accompanied to generate something different.
If the companies want to sell they must surprise the people. Not purchase in the same way that is breathed, is not an automatic function. TO BUY IS TO CHOOSE, TO SELL IS TO CAPTIVATE!
The act to always consume has been watched like a superficial and rational act what corresponds to a real prejudice. When you buy something you look for something identifies that it, therefore the industralist or the one that sells must of knowing how to enchant and to be relaxing, and nothing else it attracts that the different thing. The time of the stereotypes corresponds to the past century? nowadays the different thing is valued to the double.
From this point of view, as you produce? What characterizes their production? If You do not produce, you do not have a factory and only sells products: What thing Has reproduced? It is a good imitator? It has served to him to copy? I invite to look for it new ways to arrive at its client. It remembers that all we can get to innovate in our companies, analyzing from the distribution way to new associated services its products.
The society and the culture, are all the answers there. History says about the existence of good objects conceived by social causes. The teflon, for example created for a coating in the space technology, found application in kitchen articles, like covering for frying pans and pots that it prevented that the food stuck at it. The technology that facilitated the development of Internet, was created like answer to the necessity to design a network of computers able to resist bombings. Other many products must their origins to the needs during the Second War, like the Zippo lighter. The man is to the service of the man and all the answers to satisfy it are in him.
Analyze yourself, what things enjoy, what things value, which are their fun. Many of the replaced ones are in the honesty and the good sense of our self. What things can give to their clients so that these are happier? Think it.
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