Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Most difficult for the companies it is to last in the time

Two dangers watch to the company:

1. - To lack identity and Enchantment

2. - To stagnate.

First danger:

The identity corresponds to associate a business, products and services to certain codes or enterprise values. This identity defines the philosophy of the business, the logic of the business, the style, the codes and their coherence. This means to distinguish who purchase my product. Beyond any thing this means to commit itself to make feel emotions to certain group of people. We do not forget that we are human beings! We are mammals that when we are born we often took chest until the year from life! Our nature is animal: We own feelings. Against this: What feelings cause their business? Want that the people feel accepted, who the people feel unique, whom the people feel included? This does not mean that you must study psychology or something thus, only thinks about same you, what pleases to them, how it likes they treat that it, etc. Thinks that its business gives something and that has to do with which somebody values, if it valued it to nobody, its business would not exist?

The identity of a business corresponds to how it is perceived. All the human beings we own perception; the perception is an impression of the things that surround to us. According to our experiences, motivations and tastes all we felt and we appreciated of certain way. In order to achieve the success of his company you must aim to give in the taste the group of people who buy their products and/or services.

At the moment, to enchant and to seduce the people are, more and more, a channeled business more. Each person has clearer tastes, preferences and yearnings. While its business more is oriented to enchant satisfying a certain taste, more identity and success will have.

Each company is able to encounter again its freedom to maneuver and to accede to the longed for position of leader. Instead of to follow the traditional norms: it analyzes clients, it thinks that they are young and It creates new rules please that them and it makes them happy!

The new norms must directly be proportional to the identity of their clients. When creating or re-inventing the company first that you must think it is in those people who buy their products.

Perhaps you never made east analysis previously, but the people whom they buy what you sell, independently that have planned you it thus, are your market. These people found something attractive or useful in your business and behind that it have, doubtlessly, a concept.

The enchantment the enterprise philosophy, the sensation is come off that is desired to give, which is desired to cause. Clearly what it is desired to make feel defines in the measurement that I meet conform my market. This is transformed in the following phrase: What evaluates the company is what they evaluate its clients and vice versa.

You beyond selling your product, sell a taste, an emotion, a sensation, a projection, a yearning, a fulfilled dream. Its business must enchant to a group of people of equal yearnings and preferences at the time of buying a product or service.

Second danger: To stagnate.

Most sensible it is to assume than a business evolves continuously. An incessant movement in its business exists that entails a permanent evolution and therefore a continuous growth. A company is similar to a son, the son is born and begins to grow immediately, is a natural process and irremediable, it does not have reverse gear. The unique thing that is to do is to let grow it.

The parents must like mission orient it, to guide it, perhaps but one of the most important things that a father learns with the son is that this one learns and grows every day, against this most honest it is to adapt to this idea and to help it in his normal process like being human. Perhaps many parents would want to remain in the stage " more adorable" that it is when they are born, that is where has major control exceeds they, the mother them load takes and them for all sides, but this is only a time: you are not owner of your son, your son is owner of itself. Taken to the enterprise plane: you are not owner of your company, this one belongs to a group of people whom it buys, market which you perhaps chose but you go that is to say if it will continue being the same or no, you only must guide his business, to orient it according to which the consumer requires. The concepts keys are indifference and observation. The word indifference is a little deceptive, means indifference and coldness, nevertheless, How I can cause that something works if I let myself take only by the passions? Indifference is a way to arrive at the objectivity; If you are not objective, can throw to lose any company. One is due to know clearly that its business is to the service of the people, the people command, they decide what they want and you must start your business to the service of the people.

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