1. – Exercise the observation and the curiosity. Manifest intellectual curiosity, about the things that surround to him and what happens in the world. The curiosity or to fix seen to its surroundings allows to discover details and new points of view. From this experience it removes an education: Many things are not discovered always watching the same. The curiosity is exercised: To read books and magazines, to see films, to listen to music and other activities that are not of "ours likes" it can show new solutions and answers to us because exactly they are the solutions and the ideas there that we do not know.
2. - Assume risks. The risks always have been watched like possibility of loss or irresponsibility losing or leaving something to secure another thing. The risk, beyond meaning a possibility of losing something corresponds, for good or bad, to a gained experience. There is no another form to grow and to learn that it is not assuming risks. The one that does not dare, does not cross a river. From the enterprise point of view, the risks are extremely necessary to grow and to develop their business. The risks, in this sense, always are associated to invest great amounts of capital, for example, in a new branch, a new product, publicity, etc. The best risks do not have to happen necessarily through "quantities" but by "qualities" of its business. In relation to this, it thinks about the ways, the ways that work bad or not absolutely well. I assure, most probable, is than the risks that assume to benefit of their company, mean a very low monetary cost to him. From this point of view, it reviews his identity his forms of distribution, their ways of promotion, their forms to exhibit his products etc. But… QUALITATIVELY!
3. – Look where nobody watch. This indeed does not mean to be obstinate nor to insist on which is not although we try thousand times. But rather in " to look for the things less seek" or " to look what nobody watch". The common one of the people gives by seated who something is not successful or it does not only serve because it values it to nobody, nevertheless, many things are not valued because nobody is shortage to an honest and useful sense. A clear example of this I set out the following situation: It remembers or it knows pineapples the pines? Those that when one walks by the forest finds foundlings in the ground? Industralist began a national them to collect and he sells at the moment them regularly for Christmas decoration to foreign countries, found here where nobody looked for. This must also see with the observation, the curiosity and have the desire to watch where few or nobody have watched.
4. - Empathy in the day to day. It demonstrates empathy towards people and the divergent ideas. In other words, it be in the place of how the other think, considers all the ideas, all the critics, all the commentaries. Although this it can be negative or until "ridiculous" it can be that behind that commentary exists a “warning" or something fundamental that it is being lost of view to solve certain problem.
5. – Exercise the independent thought. Do not be conformist with your ideas, but either unconformed, is rather, an independent person. Get free of restrictions and inhibitions. This does not mean that it leaves its values morals nor their ethics, but, maintains the "critic spirit" maintains a glance analytical against which he happens around to, and try to watch the situations objectively. These will allow you to see the things him with more clarity and to find solutions more easily.
6. – Exercise the practical thought. To have capacity of analysis and synthesis is fundamental. We do not get anything with thinking and thinking and to get many conclusions about a problem or a conflicting situation in our company, also is important to have a synthesis capacity and to determine the problems, solutions, new proposals and to implement them with clarity.
7. - Exercise the flexibility and the reframing. It develops the capacity of redefinition that is to say to rearrange ideas, concepts, people and things, to transpose the functions of the objects and to use them of new ways. We think for a moment about the use of a daily object. What different uses so initially it was created that object are happened to us? It thinks about 25 different uses.
This it is a very simple example than it can be the creative thought.
It remembers, the practice makes the expression and the creativity easier. Each new creation is originated observing some other thing. The creation consists generally of transferring the attributes from a thing to another one. In other words, we give the thing with that we are working, some new quality or characteristic or applied attribute until then otherwise.
8. - Value your imagination and fluidity. This consists of using all the senses in order to generate new ideas, little conventional images and solutions. In order to obtain this practitioner is an exercise very simple that can be realized easily. Between the people who work in their business realize one "Storm of ideas". This consists of raising a problematic present in our company, for example, "The forms of distribution of our business are very conventional". The exercise consists then of beginning to "shoot" ideas without a greater elaboration. The phrases must be said aloud and somebody must be in charge to write down them quickly. The important thing is to write down everything, from more "ridiculous" until more "logical and true". Soon each one of the premises are evaluated. The idea is to rescue and to consider all the premises using the imagination soon to implement the best ideas. It is not necessary to forget the simple thing and sometimes most ridiculous it can more be "clear" for its equipped business of a good way.
9. – Associate one thing to another. You must have ample mind information that can combine, choose and extrapolate to solve problems. This is an excellent quality to work. To associate a personal ability with lived experiences and knowledge can give creative and innovating answers to us. If to this it takes it situation to his work party, group ideas, experiences and knowledge in favor of different proposals for their company can be combined.
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