When you began your business, probably you made a deep investigation. Perhaps you looked for aid of advisers; perhaps you obtained data from books, magazines or other sources of information. You invested much in terms of money, time, sweat and tears to begin to raise your business from zero. Then… what follows?
For the business mans and entrepreneurs who survived at the beginning of the adventure to create a successful business, now you will be thinking as they are the following steps to grow your business by on your present levels. Several possibilities exist, 10 of we mentioned which them in these lines. Choosing or the suitable alternatives to let grow your business they depend on the heading, sources available, whichever money, time, sweat and tears you want to return to invest. If you are ready to grow, we are ready to help you.
1. – Open a New Store. This can not be the best option to expand your business, but it is in the first place because this is generally what commonly the entrepreneurs think when they consider his expansion. “The physical expansion not always is the best answer for a successful growth without a deep investigation, planning and finances”. But if of all ways you are considering a new location, we gave these tips to you for that:
- Be sure that these maintaining under growth and utilities by more than five years.
- Look at the global, economic tendencies of your heading and of your clients, to know the potential of your business.
- Be sure that your administrative system and your equipment are extraordinary, you will need because open and to raise them the new premises.
- Prepare a complete plan of businesses for your new location.
- Choose where and how you will obtain the financing.
- Choose the new location thinking about the best thing for your business, does not stop your pocket.
2. – Offer your business like a Franchise or a business opportunity. Is an excellent alternative, as long as your business is structured, and you have the expertise to be able to develop the franchise, yet the work, time and details that are required to develop this alternative. Besides the strategies, planning, control and development that is needed. We also can help you in this adventure.
3. – Register you product. This can be effective, like means of growth at low cost, particularly if you have a service, names or products. With this alternative you can receive money with respect to the sale rights and use of your systems, software, marks, etc. Whenever it is successful. To also register reduces your risks and is a low cost in comparison with the price of beginning your company to produce and to sell your mark or product.
For this find some partner for the registry, begin looking for companies that have or offer products or services similar to yours. But before generating a meeting or a contact with any company, look for a competent lawyer that one specializes in the registry and rights of intellectual property. This it is the best way to diminish the risks of losing the control of your product or service.
For this find some partner for the registry, begin looking for companies that have or offer products or services similar to yours. But before generating a meeting or a contact with any company, look for a competent lawyer that one specializes in the registry and rights of intellectual property. This it is the best way to diminish the risks of losing the control of your product or service.
4. – Create an Alliance . An Alliance with a type of similar company can be a powerful form to expand your business quickly. If the thought to share the commissions of your sales by virtue of an alliance makes you might feel discomfort, first observe the complete image: if you want get the money for you, you really are destroying you. It is important that you observe that an alignment of this type with other companies that already have long lists of clients. It is the quickest way for the success.
5. - diversify. To diversify is an excellent strategy of growth, because it allows you to have many ways of cash entry that can help to beat the complicated periods, and by all means, to increase the sales and margins. Under this premise, we presented/displayed four ideas to diversify to your products or lines to you on watch:
- Sell complementary products or services.
- Teach or to make tie classes to your business.
- Import/ export your products or of others.
- Become a speaker.
6. - Reach other markets. It is serving your present market to you? , exist other markets? The other markets or manifolds markets help to increase your sales remarkably. Beam to fly your imagination or looks for consultant's office to develop or to look for these new markets that are generally parallel to your present markets or clients.
7. - Get a contract of the government. One of the best forms, for the small companies, to grow quickly is to have to the government contract. Only the 2002 federal government of the United States bought goods and services by more of U$ 235 billions. Obvious it is necessary to have a little patience and time to obtain contracts and contacts of the government, since it is generally needed a great amount time, work and investigation to generate a proposal of this type. If you are not prepared for it, to complete the forms, to fulfill the terms and conditions you are only wasting your time. This can sound discouraging and like a loss of work, but the good thing for gaining a contract with the government is that the company maintains the contract by enough time generally.
8. - Fusion or acquire a new business. The processes of fusion or acquisition of a new business usually are complex and generally require of enough work and development, but we presented/displayed four points to you that can help you to achieve the success in this process:
- Retention of clients: Effort to maintain the clients of the two or more companies. Because the fusion processes or buy a new company requires long time to standardize the operation of the “new company”, often the clients are in waiting list or later. This can cause a numerous loss of clients.
- Retention of executives: It retains and it maintains the best executives of both companies, is best and the most shining option. Since they remain generally in the new company the executives of the greatest company, in decline of the other, but excellent executives in the smallest company exist generally.
- Unify the processes and technology: A reason by which the fusions must to be delayed is by the difference in the used technologies or the architecture of the organizations. Due to this it is necessary to unify these points in the two companies, to diminish the time and the work necessary to work like a single formation force. Of equal way, when the two companies own similar architectures and technologies, integration usually is rather simpler and expeditious.
- Keep the focus: Keep the focus in the “great prize”, generally tends to take place a nebula in these processes that do not let see or what is the future or the goal to reach.
9. – Expand globally. A company not only grows in terms of clients and sales, but also when reaching new markets. Consequently your presence and mark generate major confidence, which facilitates the introduction of new products and/or services. Not necessarily it is needed to buy or to merge with another company to obtain a global growth, if not that strategies and vision in great and in the long term. Another form to be able to obtain this is through the search of new distributors or representatives in other countries, that they are those who know the custom and the behavior “the new” clients.
10. - Internet. Bill Gates, president of Microsoft, said that in the future only two classes of businesses will exist: those that have presence in Internet, and those that do not have businesses. It can sound a little excessive the commentary, but really Internet is a powerful and useful tool that is an integral part of the today businesses. 80% of the traffic to the pages Web of the companies take place generally by finders (google, yahoo, etc). At the moment they exist more than 2 billions of searches of Web pages per day, that duplicate every 100 days, so that to make your page visible is vital to present your company.
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