Edward Lorenz, meteorologist and founding mathematician of the theory of the chaos, based part of his thought on the “butterfly effect”, originating of an old Chinese proverb: “the fluttering of the wings of a butterfly can be felt to the other side of the world”. Edward got to say that the fluttering of a butterfly in Brazil could bring a storm in Taiwan . The theory of the chaos says that in certain natural systems, small changes in the initial conditions lead to enormous discrepancies in the results.
Steve Jobs, president of Mac, in the speech to the graduate students at Stanford comments facts of its life that at some time were only details that did not seem to be important for their life. But these details deeply marked the differences that made of Mac a computer of graph and design of cult. That detail: handwriting classes when he was university student in Stanford.
On the other hand is Randy Pausch, ex- professor of computer science of Carnegie Mellon, his dream always was to work in Disney like Imagineer. When fulfilling its dream, that was during one sabbatical year, developed system calledAlice to teach computer animations to students in a entertained and didactic way. Alice has been a full success, which is being implemented in several computer science centers at global level.
However, if we extrapolated those small details that mark differences in the organizations, we would create excellence organizations. Following this approach we would try to locate our company more near our clients, with this many companies have created systems of points, surveys, e-mails, contests or other systems to maintain near its clients. What directly falls to the communication between the company and the client. The problem is when the personnel (own or outsourcing) represent the company between this delicate and important communicational relation. If we own a call center or direct attention to the client, the people who are in this “face to face”, reflects the situation or the spirit of the company. Of this grapnel anchor great companies as McDonald´s owns a training of attention to the client, in who the personnel must be in favor always tidy, smiling, kind and amiable with the client, on the other hand if we observed restaurant and the young delay in arriving or does not take care of the client amiably, which happens in the major of the cases, generates in the client a terrible experience and probably it does not return to go to that premises. This type of details really marks to the difference between the success and the failure of a company.
Soon for all the clients and consumers, who always we are in some minute, everything is transformed in the experience of purchase and the importance of this experience expanding it to the post-sales one or to the experience even opening the packing of iPhone, similar to open a collection article. In other words, more than an exceptional product or a fabulous packing, we must focus our post-sales organization, products and in the details focused to the experience of our clients. From this form we will be able to obtain happy clients, with which we will be able to interact like organization approaching us the success based on the effect of the small details that mark differences.
Steve Jobs, president of Mac, in the speech to the graduate students at Stanford comments facts of its life that at some time were only details that did not seem to be important for their life. But these details deeply marked the differences that made of Mac a computer of graph and design of cult. That detail: handwriting classes when he was university student in Stanford.
On the other hand is Randy Pausch, ex- professor of computer science of Carnegie Mellon, his dream always was to work in Disney like Imagineer. When fulfilling its dream, that was during one sabbatical year, developed system called
However, if we extrapolated those small details that mark differences in the organizations, we would create excellence organizations. Following this approach we would try to locate our company more near our clients, with this many companies have created systems of points, surveys, e-mails, contests or other systems to maintain near its clients. What directly falls to the communication between the company and the client. The problem is when the personnel (own or outsourcing) represent the company between this delicate and important communicational relation. If we own a call center or direct attention to the client, the people who are in this “face to face”, reflects the situation or the spirit of the company. Of this grapnel anchor great companies as McDonald´s owns a training of attention to the client, in who the personnel must be in favor always tidy, smiling, kind and amiable with the client, on the other hand if we observed restaurant and the young delay in arriving or does not take care of the client amiably, which happens in the major of the cases, generates in the client a terrible experience and probably it does not return to go to that premises. This type of details really marks to the difference between the success and the failure of a company.
Soon for all the clients and consumers, who always we are in some minute, everything is transformed in the experience of purchase and the importance of this experience expanding it to the post-sales one or to the experience even opening the packing of iPhone, similar to open a collection article. In other words, more than an exceptional product or a fabulous packing, we must focus our post-sales organization, products and in the details focused to the experience of our clients. From this form we will be able to obtain happy clients, with which we will be able to interact like organization approaching us the success based on the effect of the small details that mark differences.
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